EPUB Zodiac P.I., Vol. 2 by Natsumi Ando read fb2 on ipad

EPUB Zodiac P.I., Vol. 2 by Natsumi Ando read fb2 on ipad

EPUB Zodiac P.I., Vol. 2 by Natsumi Ando read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
the dry ice issue. great theory about having a block of dry ice craved like the golden bust. but i have some issues. 1)you cant really carve dry ice. your tools arent designed for that temperature. plus, to get smooth surfaces with ice carving, you melt the ice a little with your hand. you touch dry ice, you will probably end up with frostbite. 2) okay, so assuming you are able to carve dry ice, when the case was opened, it blinded the cop. how? ive seen dry ice up close and personal. its cloudy. plus, its not like you can paint it gold or anything. the paint would freeze before making it to the surface.3) when the case was opened, there was no fog. believe me, you open a case with dry ice, you get blasted with cold air, and theres fog. even if it doesnt overfill to spill outside of the case, theres still fog in the case. so yeah, those were my issues. feel slightly childish, but it was a fun case. it would have been more plausable if the case had a false bottom that activated with the turning of the key, and it fell below the table into another case that was padded to muffle the sound of it falling. you know, be totally coperfield about it. haha.
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