EPUB Worthy of a Pirates Love by Amanda Broadbeck how download book tom tablet ebook

EPUB Worthy of a Pirates Love by Amanda Broadbeck how download book tom tablet ebook

EPUB Worthy of a Pirates Love by Amanda Broadbeck how download book tom tablet ebook

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Book description
Adelina Ellingsworth was too stubborn and too strong willed to settle for the subdued housewife her betrothed wanted her to become. Although she loved Brandon, she could not imagine wanting the life they would have together. But just because she didnat love Brandon did not mean she was exactly thankful for being kidnaped three days before her wedding. Captain Henry Roark wanted revenge and nothing more. When he met Adelina and discovered whom she was betrothed to, he knew he found the advantage he was looking for. But he didnat realize that this courageous woman had stolen his heart until she was stolen from him and he was forced to work with his enemy to get her back.
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