EPUB What a Girl Wants?: Fantasizing the Reclamation of Self in Postfeminism by Diane Negra value selling read itunes djvu

EPUB What a Girl Wants?: Fantasizing the Reclamation of Self in Postfeminism by Diane Negra value selling read itunes djvu

EPUB What a Girl Wants?: Fantasizing the Reclamation of Self in Postfeminism by Diane Negra value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
postfeminism is an interesting although disturbing development, but i am more interested - and think its more productive - as a social phenomenon than as a concept through which cultural objects can be understood and interpreted. of course one can do the latter in order to study the former, but i would have enjoyed it if negra made these connections more explicitly: what does it mean for women that x is presented as y or z? now its up to the reader to decide what all of this signifies. moreover, the very study of postfeminism sometimes seems to create a backlash against femininity - e.g. negra argues that this object reiterates the return to feminine occupations which is problematic yeah, sure, but not because this is feminine. negra does not argue that explicitly, but i really missed some engagement with and some nuance of the concept of femininity because its so essential to postfeminism. if we want to understand postfeminism it is essential that we look at feminisms often complicated relationship with femininity, i think.anyway, midnight rant over, but i feel this might not be the best introduction to the topic, even if negra makes some good points throughout the book.
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