EPUB What I Learned After Medical School by O.T. Bonnett read itunes how read fb2 macbook

EPUB What I Learned After Medical School by O.T. Bonnett read itunes how read fb2 macbook

EPUB What I Learned After Medical School by O.T. Bonnett read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description
This book is a combative and provocative guide for those who would take charge of their own good health. Dr. Bonnetts healing stories will be surprising, even astonishing, to anyone who thinks the medical profession has all the answers. Dr. Bonnett describes some remarkable cases from his forty years as a doctor in a small-town practice, a major HMO, and a rural hospital. His extraordinary understanding of how our minds can work to bring on even terminal diseases will cause readers to reexamine their every attitude about sickness and health. Even the processes of aging, he teaches us, are largely in our heads.
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