EPUB Warfare in Independent Africa by William Reno windows without signing epub book view

EPUB Warfare in Independent Africa by William Reno windows without signing epub book view

EPUB Warfare in Independent Africa by William Reno windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
This book surveys the history of armed conflict in Africa in the period since decolonization and independence. The number of post-independence conflicts in Africa has been considerable, and this book introduces to readers a comprehensive analysis of their causes and character. Tracing the evolution of warfare from anti-colonial and anti-apartheid campaigns to complex conflicts in which factionalized armies, militias, and rebel groups fight with each other and prey upon non-combatants, it allows the readers a new perspective to understand violence on the continent. The book is written to appeal not only to students of history and African politics, but also to experts in the policy community, the military, and humanitarian agencies.
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