EPUB Wabi-Sabi: Further Thoughts by Leonard Koren torrent via online free tablet

EPUB Wabi-Sabi: Further Thoughts by Leonard Koren torrent via online free tablet

EPUB Wabi-Sabi: Further Thoughts by Leonard Koren torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
Worthwhile complement to the original. I appreciated the additional context in the form of history and bibliography, and thoughts on modern implications; ruminating on the co-opting of the concept, and the problem of its very concept-ness.The brief ending on co-existence with the digital world was a concise and lucid, yet somehow superficial rejection. I suspect the perceived divide between natural/physical and virtual/symbolic may be a worthy meditation for a third book that explores the metaphysical boundaries of each notion, not equating them, but still connecting them within a larger whole.
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