EPUB WANTED! A Guinea Pig Called Henry by Wendy Orr (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

EPUB WANTED! A Guinea Pig Called Henry by Wendy Orr (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

EPUB WANTED! A Guinea Pig Called Henry by Wendy Orr (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
Sam wants a pet for her birthday, but her mom and dad have already said that their apartment is too small for a cat or a dog. A trip to Rainbow Street Shelter to look at the smaller animals cant hurt, though!At the shelter, Sam finds the perfect pet for her, a fluffy black guinea pig named Henry. But she cant help noticing how happy her little brother is when hes reading to Nelly, the Rainbow Street dog. Why cant he read like that when hes in school? Nelly looks happy, too. Sam starts to wonder . . . can a dog go to kindergarten?
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