EPUB W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack by Ethan Skemp access review bookshop itunes free

EPUB W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack by Ethan Skemp access review bookshop itunes free

EPUB W20 Wyld West Expansion Pack by Ethan Skemp access review bookshop itunes free

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Book description
Bad Moons and Silver BulletsIt was a time when a silver bullet could buy your life in a way gold couldn’t. A time when the railroads barreled their way west, and the Umbral skies tore open over them. When Garou warred on Garou, divided by the ever-moving frontier, and ancient horrors broke free. In the World of Darkness, the American West wasn’t just wild — it was savage.The Wyld West Expansion Pack is a supplement that brings the mechanics and setting of Werewolf: The Wild West into 20th Anniversary compatibility. With it, your group can uncover the lost lore of the Storm Eater and the Savage West in a modern setting, or run a chronicle set in the most dangerous frontier the Garou ever saw.•A setting overview of the Savage West and the Storm Umbra.•Gifts and rites of the period, updated to 20th anniversary mechanics.•A chapter of antagonists, from Banes and mockeries of the time to the secrets of the Enlightened Society of the Weeping Moon.
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