EPUB Undertow by Lara Hays (Goodreads Author) txt full version tom free direct link

EPUB Undertow by Lara Hays (Goodreads Author) txt full version tom free direct link

EPUB Undertow by Lara Hays (Goodreads Author) txt full version tom free direct link

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Book description
The life she always thought she would have…or a new life she is just starting to imagine? Two paths lay before Tessa Monroe as she arrives in colonial St. Kitts with her dashing rescuer, the former pirate Nicholas Holladay. Everything should be perfect, but her worlds are colliding. In the spellbinding sequel to Oceanswept, Tessa finds a tempting new future with a handsome baron unfolding before her on sunny St. Kitts while Nicholas discovers that the past he was so eager to leave behind isnt quite through with him yet.
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