EPUB Tom Kundig: Houses by Dung Ngo (Editor) text how download book selling mp3

EPUB Tom Kundig: Houses by Dung Ngo (Editor) text how download book selling mp3

EPUB Tom Kundig: Houses by Dung Ngo (Editor) text how download book selling mp3

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Book description
The work of Seattle-based architect Tom Kundig has been called both raw and refined, as well as super-crafted and warm. Kundigs projects, especially his houses, uniquely combine these two seemingly disparate sets of characteristics to produce some of the most inventive structures found in the architecture world today. Kundigs internationally acclaimed work is inspired by both the industrial structures with which he grew up in the Pacific Northwest and the vibrant craft cultures that are fostered there. His buildings uniquely meld industrial sensibilities and materials such as Cor-ten steel and concrete with an intuitive understanding of scale. As Kundig states, The idea is insaperable from the fabrication, inseparable from the materials used.Tom Kundig: Houses presents five projects in depth, from their early conceptual sketches to their final lovingly wrought, intimate details. Kundigs houses reflect a sustained and active collaborative process between designer, craftsmen, and owners, resulting in houses that bring to life the architects intentions, the materials used, and lines of unforgettable beauty.
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