EPUB Three Rings and a Rose by Mia Ashlinn (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

EPUB Three Rings and a Rose by Mia Ashlinn (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

EPUB Three Rings and a Rose by Mia Ashlinn (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

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Book description
Ella Dawson learned the hard way how much it hurt to be trapped in the middle of Micah Blaylock and Caedon Asher. The tension between the men drove her to the edge. Then a scandal destroyed her relationship with Caedon, shredding her heart and driving her back to Serenity, Kansas.Two years later, Caedon still can’t forget Ella or Micah. When a worried friend’s meddling provides him with an opportunity to rekindle the relationships he lost, Caedon jumps in with both feet. But he knows he’ll need Micah’s help.Secret desires and fears push Micah to refuse Caedon. However, Caedon won’t relent. When he finally convinces Ella and Micah to give sharing a shot, what happens when the two men’s love for each other can no longer be denied? And how will their relationship survive when scandal threatens to tear them apart once again?It’ll take three rings and a rose to unite these would-be lovers, this time forever.
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