EPUB The Woman in the Photograph by Mani Feniger (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

EPUB The Woman in the Photograph by Mani Feniger (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

EPUB The Woman in the Photograph by Mani Feniger (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

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Book description
What if a secret photograph and a property stolen by the Nazis unlocked the door to your mothers buried past and to a family history you knew nothing about?Mani Feniger steered a deliberate course away from her mothers German-Jewish roots. But with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, she found herself swept up in a flood of startling revelations from her mothers earlier life. As she pored through old photographs and documents, she began to ask questions about secrets and omissions. The answers she found both shocked and inspired her, and would irrevocably transform her view of her mother, herself, and the meaning of family legacy.From Berkeley, California to New York City, to Leipzig, Germany, this compelling memoir takes you across continents and lifetimes.The Woman in the Photograph will make you wonder about the men and women in your own photographs and how your life has been shaped by events you know little about.
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