EPUB The Waterstone by Rebecca Rupp store download purchase reader phone

EPUB The Waterstone by Rebecca Rupp store download purchase reader phone

EPUB The Waterstone by Rebecca Rupp store download purchase reader phone

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Book description
The well-crafted tale and careful attention to detail will have young readers forgetting that the characters are only a few inches tall. . . . An amazing journey of surprising proportions. —KIRKUS REVIEWS (starred review)The world is drying. Twelve-year-old Tad — who is only a few inches tall — doesn’t even notice it at first. Busy practicing with his new spear, arguing with his sister, Birdie, and living the normal life of a youngling of the Fisher Tribe, he thinks little of a stream slowed to a trickle here, a pond suddenly dwindling there. But Tad begins to have strange flashbacks — glimpses of the past that he knows cant possibly be his own. With these rememberings haunting him, he and Birdie begin an adventure marked by great sorrows, fierce battles, and unbreakable friendships. In this remarkable rite of passage, Tad grows to know who he really is and what his destiny holds. For only he can restore the water and save the forests and animals and Tribes.Only he can retrieve the Waterstone.
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