EPUB The Voice by Anne Bishop selling eReader how download reading read

EPUB The Voice by Anne Bishop selling eReader how download reading read

EPUB The Voice by Anne Bishop selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description

Book description
An original novella from the New York Times bestselling author of Bridge of Dreams…In a small village outside the city of Vision, the people know no sorrow or grief. But this seemingly idyllic community is hiding a terrible secret. As a young child, Nalah did not know why she was told to bring a cake to the mute girl known as the Voice whenever she was upset, only that doing so made her feel better. Now grown, Nalah understands the dark truth, and yearns to escape from the oppressive village that has been her life-long home. But it is only after visiting the city of Vision and discovering the Temple of Sorrow that Nalah understands what she must do to be free…
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