EPUB The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Saud from Tradition to Terror by Stephen Schwartz spanish finder book tom via

EPUB The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Saud from Tradition to Terror by Stephen Schwartz spanish finder book tom via

EPUB The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Saud from Tradition to Terror by Stephen Schwartz spanish finder book tom via

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Unfortunately I found this book to be flawed. It was published in 2003 so obviously much has changed since. The invasion of Iraq with its disastrous consequence is one example.The premise of the book, as per the author, is that Islam is divided into two groups – the traditional sects of Islam (the good) – and Wahhabi Islam (the evil).I find this too simplistic; the author promotes all others branches of Islam as being benign and accommodating. I do agree with the author that Wahhabism is fanatical and evil (essentially anti-human, as for one example it prohibits music). The author provides us with the history and growth of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia. The infusion of petro-dollars in the 1950’s allowed for the tremendous growth and expansion of this fanaticism into many branches of Islam. Mosques around the world have been built and infected by this cult. It financed and promoted the development of al-Qaida – and is undoubtedly behind ISIS. The author explains well the dangerous and hypocritical game the Saudi state is playing with the Wahabbis. And as he states this illusion extends to the oil companies and the United States (as well as the other importing oil countries) who keep insisting on referring to “our friends in Saudi Arabia”.The first eighty pages of the book are a theological history of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. There is considerable name-dropping and any religious scholar is simply revered by the author. He avoids the continuing problems in the Muslim world like the repression of women. The civil status of women in Muslim countries is markedly lower than in all other countries. This is not brought up in this book.Most puzzling, was the authors’ veneration of Ayatollah Khomeini and the state of Iran. The Ayatollah is presented as being an accommodating and benevolent dictator. He says that Khomeini, unlike bin Laden , was a religious scholar as if this implies that he is entitled to be the leader of Iran. This leader, for example, sent thousands of young children to die as suicide martyrs in Iraqi minefields. A few years after Khomeini came to power many in Iran felt the wrath of his puritanical zealotry.The author constantly changes topics throughout, with name-dropping, and weird sentences abound like this one (page 235)“Bin Laden was not a major strategist; he was an opportunistic improviser in the style of Hitler or Stalin.”He does not discuss Pakistan and fails to mention that it was the major conduit of arms to Afghanistan during their struggle with the Soviet Union. Pakistan created the Taliban – with the aid of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan is a source of radical Islam and madrassas flourish, inculcating young minds with fanatical Islam.To the authors’ credit, it must be acknowledged that journalists are not allowed entry into Saudi Arabia. It is quite possibly, aside from North Korea, the most isolated country on the planet – and the foremost repressive theocratic dictatorship.
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