EPUB The Stranger by Anna Banks (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

EPUB The Stranger by Anna Banks (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

EPUB The Stranger by Anna Banks (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description
The Stranger tells the story of how Galen and Rachel first met.The story takes place when Galen is 13 year old. He saves Rachel from drowning and helps her out. His sister, Rayna and Toraf also come upon them and though they all have a distrustful start, they soon become good friends. Rachel gradually familiarizes them with human life and things. As always, we see Galen and Raynas hilarious bickering and Torafs attempts to pacify them. Rachel always struck me as a great character and here we see how they all, in spite of Galens initial suspicions, become fast friends. And she didnt even blink at them being Syrena! I love that she is so loyal and protective about them. (view spoiler)[ Her death in Of Triton really made me sad (hide spoiler)]
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