EPUB The Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault full version original acquire book look

EPUB The Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault full version original acquire book look

EPUB The Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault full version original acquire book look

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Book description
Charles Perrault was a French author who laid foundations for a new literary genre, the fairy tale, and whose best known tales, offered as if they were pre-existing folk tales, include: Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Hop o My Thumb), Diamonds and Toads, Patient Griselda, The Ridiculous Wishes...Perraults most famous stories are still in print today and have been made into operas, ballets (e.g., Tchaikovskys Sleeping Beauty), plays, musicals, and films, both live-action and animation.The Brothers Grimm retold their own versions of some of Perraults fairy tales.
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