EPUB The Skilled Seduction by Tracy Goodwin (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

EPUB The Skilled Seduction by Tracy Goodwin (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

EPUB The Skilled Seduction by Tracy Goodwin (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
A review on an audio bookTristan MacAlistair is hiding behind a façade of well-bred manners and charm. He hides way too many secrets, way too many to give him peace and quiet. But eventually Lady Victoria Montgomery , is doing everything she can to make sure Tristan see her for a woman that she is. She has loved Tristan from a distance for many many years. Her hard work is successful, but Tory also realizes that Tristan is not the man she thought he was.All of Tristans valiant attempts to stave off his attraction to Victoria, he experiences an overwhelming urge to possess her in body and soul. When she refuses his offer of marriage, Tristan resorts to drastic measures, determined to get what he wants regardless of the consequences.Together, Tristan and Victoria fight his darker side and try to overcome what is making him so far from her, she yearns to discover his secrets and to help him overcome them and become the man she know he can be.Will they both discover that their love is the the best thing for them, read it and also be reunited with the characters that compose the first books in this series. Well writen full of ache, love and spirit.
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