EPUB The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal by Kerry M. Olitzky (Editor) mobi online

EPUB The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal by Kerry M. Olitzky (Editor) mobi online

EPUB The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal by Kerry M. Olitzky (Editor) mobi online

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Book description
An inspiring how-to guide to help you understand and participate in a Jewish spiritual life.Across the spectrum of Jewish observance, people are seeking ways to give higher meaning to their spiritual lives but how do you know where to begin, and what should you do first?This easy-to-use handbook explains the why, what and how of ten specific areas of Jewish ritual and practice. Each chapter provides you with guidance and background if you are just beginning to explore Jewish ritual and practice, and offers creative ways to deepen the meaning of Judaism in your daily life, even if you are experienced with ritual observance.All of the chapters have personal stories of people who have taken on Jewish ritual, and will inspire you to consider how to infuse your life with the wisdom of Jewish tradition.
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