EPUB The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier by David J. Ridges download mobi

EPUB The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier by David J. Ridges download mobi

EPUB The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier by David J. Ridges download mobi

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Book description
Now for the first time you can enjoy the full text of the Pearl of Great Price as part of the popular Gospel Studies Series. This incredibly useful guide to better understanding the Pearl of Great Price is a helpful, user-friendly tool for your scripture study. The full text of the Pearl of Great Price is included, with brief notes of explanation between and within the verses to aid your comprehension of the scriptures. Brought to you by best-selling author David J. Ridges, Your Study of the Pearl of Great Price Made Easier is an essential part of our popular Gospel Studies Series. With this convenient, informative guide, you will be better able to grasp the meaning of the Lords words as you feast upon them.
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