EPUB The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History by Dudjom Rinpoche information full version free page torrent

EPUB The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History by Dudjom Rinpoche information full version free page torrent

EPUB The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History by Dudjom Rinpoche information full version free page

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Book description
Written by a great modern Nyingma master, Dudjom Rinpoches The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism covers in detail and depth both the fundamental teachings and the history of Tibetan Buddhisms oldest school. This, the first English translation of His Holiness masterwork, constitutes the most complete work of its type in the West.An absolute treasure for students of the tradition, it is also an indispensable reference for anyone with an interest in Buddhism. The book includes chronologies and glossaries that elucidate Buddhist doctrine, and it provides fascinating insights into the Buddhist history of Tibet. Two treatises form the present volume, namely the Fundamentals of the Nyingma School and the History of the Nyingma School. Among the most widely read of all His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoches works, these treatises were composed during the years immediately following his arrival in India as a refugee. His intention in writing them was to preserve the precise structure of the Nyingma philosophical view within its own historical and cultural context.This is the first time this text has been available in a trade edition. Beautifully presented, this single-volume edition represents a truly wonderful gift, and features illustrations in black and white and in color, plus maps, bibliographic information, and useful annotations.
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