EPUB The Monument: Art and Vulgarity in Saddam Husseins Iraq by Kanan Makiya amazon review cheap view read

EPUB The Monument: Art and Vulgarity in Saddam Husseins Iraq by Kanan Makiya amazon review cheap view read

EPUB The Monument: Art and Vulgarity in Saddam Husseins Iraq by Kanan Makiya amazon review cheap view read

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Book description
In Baghdad, an enormous monument nearly twice the size of the Arc de Triomphe towers over the city. Two huge forearms emerge from the ground, clutching two swords that clash overhead. Those arms are enlarged casts of those of Saddam Hussein, showing every bump and follicle. The Victory Arch celebrates a victory over Iran (in their 8-year long war) that never happened. The Monument is a study of the interplay between art and politics, of how culture, normally an unquestioned good, can play into the hands of power with devastating effects. Kanan Makiya uses the culture invented by Saddam Hussein as a window into the nature of totalitarianism and shows how art can become the weapon of dictatorship.
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