EPUB The Makers of Scotland: Picts, Romans, Gaels and Vikings by Tim Clarkson (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

EPUB The Makers of Scotland: Picts, Romans, Gaels and Vikings by Tim Clarkson (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

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Book description
Covering a thousand years of Scottish history, this account incorporates both historical and contemporary research into old theories and controversies. During the first millennium AD, the most northerly part of Britain evolved into the country known today as Scotland. The transition was a long process of social and political change driven by the ambitions of powerful warlords; tribal chiefs and Roman generals, at first, followed by dynamic warrior-kings who campaigned far beyond their own borders. From Lothian to Orkney and from Fife to the Isle of Skye, fierce battles were won and lost, but, by AD 1000, a dynasty of Gaelic-speaking kings, the Picts, and Scots began to forge a single, unified nation which transcended enmities. With maps to illustrate the history, this chronicle brings to life the great warrior-kings of early Scotland.
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