EPUB The Machinists: A New Study in American Trade Unionism by Mark Perlman fb2 sale tablet access online

EPUB The Machinists: A New Study in American Trade Unionism by Mark Perlman fb2 sale tablet access online

EPUB The Machinists: A New Study in American Trade Unionism by Mark Perlman fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
A truly authoritative study of a model American union (IAM has long been known as one of the most ethical and efficient), based on complete access to the organizations files. Beginning with an interpretive history to 1953, the book analyzes IAMs formal and informal structure and its policies with regard to other unions, employers, public, and government, isolating dynamic features of the decision making process. It includes documented evidence of the difficulties and analyzes both sides of the many controversies IAM has faced.
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