EPUB The Journal of John Woolman by John Woolman look eng full story read

EPUB The Journal of John Woolman by John Woolman look eng full story read

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I wont deny the importance of this book both from a historical perspective and from the perspective of its place in American pedagogy. As a matter of reading, however, it’s abysmal with horrible run-on-sentences overstuffed with paeans to the divine. Thus, “Mama told me to get a loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter” would, in Woolman’s hands, become “Mama, her heart full of love for the Lord, asked me, through the grace of divine aid and in observance of the fifth commandment, to secure for her a loaf of bread such as that which Jesus fed to the multitudes, a container of milk praise be to God, and a stick of butter such that we would increase in fullness just as our hearts are forever increasing in fullness with the grace of the glorious savior.” Try making that a catchy cartoon. If one were to remove all of the attestations of faith, all that would left would be less a book than an anti-slavery pamphlet more worthy of your time.The point is, this isn’t a “good read” in any sense of the act of ingesting words. The book has other merits, but this isn’t one of them. Lest you think that this affected writing is just an artifact of its time, compare and contrast to Franklins autobiography.
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