EPUB The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power by Carole Levin kindle pdf book macbook mobile

EPUB The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power by Carole Levin kindle pdf book macbook mobile

EPUB The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power by Carole Levin kindle pdf book macbook mobile

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Book description
Chosen as one of the ten best academic books of the 1990s by Lingua Franca readersI may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king. Elizabeth IWhether this sentence is an accurate transcription of Elizabeths speech at Tilbury in 1588, it does characterize some of the struggles, contradictions, and cultural anxieties that dominated the collective consciousness of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. In The Heart and Stomach of a King, Carole Levin explores contemporary representations of the unmarried, childless Elizabeth and focuses on the ways in which members of her court, foreign ambassadors, and a motley and sometimes delusional collection of subjects responded to her. Throughout, Levins purpose is to explore how gender constructions, role expectations, and beliefs about sexuality influenced both Elizabeths self-presentation and others perceptions of her as a female, and Protestant, ruler.
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