EPUB The Girl with Spunk by Judith St. George read itunes how read fb2 macbook

EPUB The Girl with Spunk by Judith St. George read itunes how read fb2 macbook

EPUB The Girl with Spunk by Judith St. George read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description
I have read this book twice, the second because I could not really remember the first. Both times I left feeling a bit like the author had mislead me, which I failed to remember until after I had finished reading the second time. The books ends by explaining that the nations first Womans Rights Convetion was held in Seneca Falls, New York in July 19 and 20, 1848 and further that the main character is typical of farm girls and working girls everywhere who eyes were opened by the convention to a realization of how their lives could be improved..While I have no problem with an author using a story to educate society in an area that the author feels is needed. I prefer the author to write a story, which generally consists of a beginning, a middle and an end. This book lacks an end. The author does not deign to write it, simply ending with an epilogue explaining that woman did indeed suffer in this way.We never learn what became of Josie Dexter. Her story was simply that she had a hard life (beginning), had a rough day and unfairly lost her job (middle)... and then we skip to the epilogue which does not form part of the story. What happened to Josie? Did she get another job? Did she like the convention? Did she marry the boy? Did her life change?Likewise with the plight of womens rights (the central theme of the story). We learn that women are treated unfairly and have no rights (beginning), that a bunch of woman are holding a conference in order to fight for more rights (middle)... and the we skip to the epilogue which does not form part of the story. Did the woman make an immediate difference? What else did they do beside holding a conference? When did they win the struggle?It is like the author just could not be bothered writing those bits.
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