EPUB The Fearful Pharaoh (Nile Files) by Philip Wooderson (Goodreads Author) page pc format online how to

EPUB The Fearful Pharaoh (Nile Files) by Philip Wooderson (Goodreads Author) page pc format online how to

EPUB The Fearful Pharaoh (Nile Files) by Philip Wooderson (Goodreads Author) page pc format online how to

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Book description

Book description
Philip Wooderson is an author, creative editor, and co-director of the Limnisa centre for writers in Greece. His fiction for children and young adults has been published in the UK and US, and translated in several languages. His series, the Nile Files, was used by the Times to promote the Tutankhamun exhibition at the O2 Centre in London. He graduated in history at the University of Sussex. More recently he has turned his attention to adult historical fiction. His latest work, Acropolis, a novel in two volumes, Curse of Athena and Wind of Hermes are now available in paperback and kindle editions.
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