EPUB The Fall of Lisa Bellow by Susan Perabo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

EPUB The Fall of Lisa Bellow by Susan Perabo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

EPUB The Fall of Lisa Bellow by Susan Perabo (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description
When a middle school girl is abducted in broad daylight, a fellow student and witness to the crime copes with the tragedy in an unforgettable way.What happens to the girl left behind?A masked man with a gun enters a sandwich shop in broad daylight, and Meredith Oliver suddenly finds herself ordered to the filthy floor, where she cowers face to face with her nemesis, Lisa Bellow, the most popular girl in her eighth grade class. The minutes tick inexorably by, and Meredith lurches between comforting the sobbing Lisa and imagining her own impending death. Then the man orders Lisa Bellow to stand and come with him, leaving Meredith the girl left behind.After Lisa’s abduction, Meredith spends most days in her room. As the community stages vigils and searches, Claire, Meredith’s mother, is torn between relief that her daughter is alive, and helplessness over her inability to protect or even comfort her child. Her daughter is here, but not.
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