EPUB The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook: They Came, They Cooked, They Left (But We Ended Up with Some Great Recipes) by Erin Ergenbright mp3 francais read writer tom

EPUB The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook: They Came, They Cooked, They Left (But We Ended Up with Some Great Recipes) by Erin Ergenbright mp3 francais read writer tom

EPUB The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook: They Came, They Cooked, They Left (But We Ended Up with Some Great Recipes) by Erin Ergenbright

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Book description

Book description
Every time we tell someone about this book we get puzzled grins, raised eyebrows, and hilarious guesses as to what on earth The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook might possibly be. Every time we tell a guy about it, he becomes instantly intent on doing pretty much anything if itll get him into the book. One boy (who swears he only went out with Thisbe in order to get a recipe named after him) found out hed missed the print deadline by a hair but that the cover wasnt done yet and quickly e-mailed with a list of potential subtitles for the front jacket: Men Are from Marzipan, Women Are from Bean Dip; Dear John, Im Leaving You and Taking the Cuisinart; He Would Eat His Grandmothers Pie All Night While Mine Just Sat There and Got Cold, Love in the Time of Colander... We dont have anyone exactly clamoring to be our boyfriends, yet theyre practically lining up to get to be our exes!We swear we didnt conceive of this book as a way to pick up guys. At least it didnt start out that way. Really: One day we were planning a barbecue at the Iowa farmhouse where we lived and Erin said, Oh, Ill make Daviss spicy BBQ rub! And we kind of looked at each other and said, We should write a cookbook of all the recipes weve gotten from ex-boyfriends over the years! And an idea was born.It was the perfect project for us, too. Were both pack rats, collectors who hold on to every scrap of paper anyones ever handed us. While all our friends grilled burgers that night and played volleyball on the lawn, the two of us took our beers upstairs and hauled out all of our aging boxes and envelopes full of tear-stained letters, ticket stubs, withered flowers, valentines....We told each other the stories behind every one of those scribbled scraps. And, god, wed find ourselves saying, he made the most incredible vinaigrette.... We never made it outside to our own barbecue. Weve pretty much been in our rooms since then, pecking away at this book like crazy people, the floors littered with old letters, our hands covered in rubber cement. We were driven, obsessed, compulsively determined to bring you The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook. And voila! Here it is!Now that the book is out, were starting to let our imaginations take hold of us again. Weve got all sorts of ideas. Like maybe we could spend a year letting a different man cook us dinner every night. Wed bring along cameras, collect artifacts from the evening like budding archaeologists, and select the best dishes for a sequel! But maybe were getting a little ahead of ourselves....
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