EPUB The Big Box by Toni Morrison phone shop full version ipad download

EPUB The Big Box by Toni Morrison phone shop full version ipad download

EPUB The Big Box by Toni Morrison phone shop full version ipad download

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Book description
The big boxThis book dose not have any cute paintings. All of things are painting by an real way. In my mind, maybe some children will not like it because of the painting style. But the content of this books is very wonderful. There are three children live inside the big brown box. They are Patty and Mickey and Liza Sue. They are two girls and one boy. Patty is an naughty girl. She spoke in the library, sang in the class, and went to the restroom four times. Mickey is a mischievous boy. He wrote his name on the mailbox lid, sat on the super’s Honda, hollered in the hall, and played handball Right where the sign not ta. Liza is a puckish girl. She let the chickens keep their eggs, let the squirrels into the fruit trees, took the bit from the horse’s mouth, and fed honey to the bees.Patty’s teachers, Mickey’s tenants, and Liza’s neighbors sent them to the big brown box. Because they are troubles for them. These three children give me another feeling not like trouble. They are the symbol of all children. Children want to play everyday because these are their natural instincts. They do not want to stay in a stage all the time. Maybe the adults around them just want to keep them healthy, safety, or anything else. But the adults always can ignore children’s feelings.For example, you are a businessman. You have lots of work. And you have a little kid. He or she like making noise, singing the songs and speaking the words loudly, and he or she wants you to play with he or she each time. But you have no time. You need to work hard and there are many cases needed to be dealt with. At this time, you give he or she a doll or a plane and tell him or her, ‘Honey! Please go back your bedroom and do your homework. You play to much. If you have already complete your homework, you read some books. Do not make any noise. Dad has lots of work.’. After that, everything done. You can work quietly and you will think your child is very good because he or she can understand you. But this is wrong. You do not give your children what they want. They just want to play. The free play time! They might think they are the birds and they always need to stay in the cage. They are not freedom. I think each parent can let their children have some free time. Singing loudly, making big noises, and laughing loudly. Please give your children three hours to let them release themselves. After that, everything will be changed.
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