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EPUB The Annals of the World by James Ussher eng txt store book library

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Book description
Considered not only a classic work of literature, but also esteemed for its preciseness and accuracy, The Annals of the World has not been published in the English language since the 17th century. Almost completely inaccessible to the public for three centuries, this book is a virtual historical encyclopedia with information and footnotes to history that otherwise would have been lost forever.Covering history from the beginning through the first century A.D., Ussher relates both famous accounts and little known events in the lives of the famous and infamous including pharaohs, Caesars, kings, conquerors, thieves, pirates, and murderers. He tells of the rise and fall of great and not-so-great nations and gives accounts of the events that shaped the world.As a historical work, Usshers Annals of the Worldis a must-have for libraries of all sizes. Universities, public and private schools, professors, independent scholars, and pastors will find a treasure-trove of material previously unavailable. Containing many human interest stories from the original historical documents collected by Ussher, this is more than just a history book - its a work of history.A Literary Classic:- Important literary work that has been inaccessible in book form for over 300 years- Translated into modern English for the first time from the original Latin text- Traces world history from creation through A.D. 70- Over 10,500 footnotes from the original text have been updated to references from works in the Loeb Classical Library by Harvard Press- Over 2,500 citations from the Bible and the Apocrypha- Usshers original citations have been checked against the latest textual scholarship- 8 appendixesFind Out:- Why was Julius Caesar kidnapped in 75 B.C.?- Why did Alexander the Great burn his ships in 326 B.C.?- What really happened when the sun went backward as a sign to Hezekiah?- Discover the accurate chronology of earth history- What does secular history say about the darkness at the Crucifixion?
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