EPUB The Affair by Cori Kane (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

EPUB The Affair by Cori Kane (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

EPUB The Affair by Cori Kane (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

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Book description
Linda and Robin have never counted on being anything but colleagues, working together on an advertisement for a new perfume, especially since both are married. But soon, their close working relationship throws them into a passionate affair, which becomes so much more than both women wanted it to be—they’re falling in love. Linda is trying to deal with her husband’s infidelity and welcomes her feelings for Robin. But Robin feels guilty about their involvement because her wife, Sherry, is dying of cancer. Their time together becomes a refuge from the struggles they’re fighting at home. A night together at a hotel deepens their connection, but can love grow out of the ashes of shattered lives?
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