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Book description
A Mating Season novel.Some werewolves walk the world forever in search of their mates. Gabriel Danes was one of the lucky ones--Joy Sutton appeared in his path one night six years earlier. Unfortunately, she came along too soon, leaving him with a painful choice: succumb to temptation and rob a young girl of her innocence, or suffer through season after season until shed experienced enough of the world to know what she would have to give up if she decided to accept his bite.Joy didnt need four years at a university in Miami to teach her anything about the world, but she went anyway because Gabriel Danes wanted a woman, not a girl... and because it was just too painful to watch him live his life around her while she yearned helplessly for what he wouldnt give. Now shes home, and shes done. Just done.But when Joy tracks Gabriel down to let him know shes moving to Florida for good, his tightly-leashed control snaps--and Joy realizes she did learn something during four years of college.She learned how to claim her mate.**This bbw paranormal romance novella is a complete story with a happy ending!**
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