EPUB Tangled Innocence by Carrie Ann Ryan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

EPUB Tangled Innocence by Carrie Ann Ryan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

EPUB Tangled Innocence by Carrie Ann Ryan (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
Humans aren’t as alone as they choose to believe. Every human possesses a trait of supernatural that lays dormant within their genetic make-up. Centuries of diluting and breeding have allowed humans to think they are alone and untouched by magic. But what happens when something changes?As one of the seven lightning struck women, Nadie Morgan has known for a while now that her fate would be forever changed…and revolve around a certain dragon. From the first time Dante Bell saw Nadie, he knew she was the one for him. Theres just one problem--theres another in his life hes waiting on as well.When Jace Goodwin, a bear shifter and Mediator, finally comes back to the human realm after years away under circumstances out of his control, his first stop is to Dantes Circle where he not only finds his dragon, but the woman they both have been waiting for. Once secrets are told and the sparks fly, Nadies new life becomes something she never thought possible. However theres another realm at play and Jace and Nadies dragon will have to fight harder than hes ever fought before to keep the life hes waited eons for.Warning: Contains one not-so-innocent human, a bear known for his bear-hugs, a tattooed and pierced dragon with a fiery temper, and a connection so explosive, youll be fanning yourself from page one.
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