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10/10. Such a sweet book. Enjoyed every page of this story. This was written in the mid 1960s and the style of writing and wording took some getting used to. Very old fashioned but I think that adds to the charm of this sweet sweet book. Laurel takes over the running of a pet boarding kennel owned by her friend while the friend has gone away. Here is where the hero enters, who owns the house where her friend has set up the kennels. A series of adventures ensues including a romantic interest for Laurel which is one sided as Laurels true feelings are for the hero. Its not until the end of the story that the hero admits his feelings for Laurel which is a case of Where did that come from as throughout the book theres no romance building between them at all. At least not like Im used to in modern Mills and Boons. It may be there in there friendship building but its slight. Would have liked to see Blanche get her comeuppance at the end but we readers dont get that pleasure. The author expertly describes the dogs and cats activities and i absolutely loved Bobos Tittupping in spring heels across the yard description. For me this was an enjoyable read from start to finish
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