EPUB Streetwise Spanish (Book Only): Speak and Understand Everyday Spanish by Mary McVey Gill ebook value german book pc

EPUB Streetwise Spanish (Book Only): Speak and Understand Everyday Spanish by Mary McVey Gill ebook value german book pc

EPUB Streetwise Spanish (Book Only): Speak and Understand Everyday Spanish by Mary McVey Gill ebook value german book pc

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Book description
Intermediate through advanced Streetwise Spanish presents the colloquial and slang expressions that students need and want to know but usually do not learn in their Spanish classes. The 15 chapters contain short dialogues, translations of the dialogues, explanations of the colloquial and slang expressions, authentic jokes, cartoons from Spanish publications, and exercises. Note: This text includes -earthy- and vulgar expressions! Each dialogue presents universal Spanish idioms and also includes slang from a particular country or city that is identified in the introductory line of the dialogue. Alternate forms used in other areas are explained in the vocabulary notes.
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