EPUB Start Writing Your Book Today: A Step-by-Step Plan to Write Your Nonfiction Book, From First Draft to Finished Manuscript by Morgan Gist MacDonald macbook online ebook review look

EPUB Start Writing Your Book Today: A Step-by-Step Plan to Write Your Nonfiction Book, From First Draft to Finished Manuscript by Morgan Gist MacDonald macbook online ebook review look

EPUB Start Writing Your Book Today: A Step-by-Step Plan to Write Your Nonfiction Book, From First Draft to Finished Manuscript by

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Book description

Book description
NONFICTION writers, this is a STEP-BY-STEP guide that walks you through good writing routines and how to develop a solid timeline, then how to write a first draft and revise the draft, how to bring in beta readers and incorporate their feedback, and finally, how to pull it all together into a finished manuscript. This book is perfect for nonfiction authors because I show you how to streamline your argument, how to make sure you dont have repetitions or tangents, and how to incorporate research without getting sidetracked in your writing. I lay every piece out for you in the book and coach you through each step. No more excuses. You’ll be ready to finally start writing your book.
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