EPUB Stalked by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

EPUB Stalked by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

EPUB Stalked by Gayle Parness (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

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Book description
A month ago, Jackie was attending high school, believing she was human and that the supernatural didnt exist.So when she woke up on an island and was told that she was a shapeshifter and that her narrow world view needed to broaden to include vampires, werewolves, the fae and many other magical creatures, she just took it all in stride. Well....not so much, really. In fact she was pretty pissed off at first.But after being teamed up with three other young rogue shifters and after meeting Garrett, her extremely hot vampire trainer, Jackie found a peace within herself that she didnt think possible. Now Garrett was her lifemate and her team was ready to defend the magical community from those who dont live by the laws that protected them all. Unfortunately, because of her unusually strong magical abilities, Jackie has caught the interest of a Fae Lord, a creature made of the incredibly potent magic that flows through the earth: so powerful that hes able to make things happen with just a thought. Because theyve been invited to the Midsummer Solstice Ceremony, she and Garrett are on their way into Faerie, into his territory and more danger than they can possibly imagine.
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