EPUB Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus book finder flibusta library ipad

EPUB Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus book finder flibusta library ipad

EPUB Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
I cant give this book any more than 3, maybe 4, stars. Though I was impressed with a plethora of poignancy concerning human brokenness, the need for redemption, and some depths of depravity, I found a lot of the work simply entertaining, not engaging. From what I recall (I read this at least a year and a half ago, I think), there were indeed some practical, spiritual helps out of the brokenness and misery, i.e., our cravings are uniquely satisfied by the creativity offered to us by our Creator, that is the human condition.In hindsight, I would have read the book in a more literary way -- in less of a devotional way -- appreciating topical, exploratory journal-entry form: a prose style that seems all too rare amongst Christian books. I liked Soul Cravings less than Blue Like Jazz, a Christian book whose nature is also auto-biographical, spiritual-not-religious, and vibes the authenticities of humanity. I did really leave McManuss book feeling somewhat inspired, and for this reason, my rating sits somewhere between the numbers...maybe closer to 4 stars.
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