EPUB Skin Spirits by Lupa (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

EPUB Skin Spirits by Lupa (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

EPUB Skin Spirits by Lupa (Goodreads Author) direct link price prewiew online text

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Book description
Since the mid-1990s Lupa, artist, author and neoshaman, has worked with animal parts in her artwork and spiritual practice. From leather and fur to skulls and bones, she incorporates them into ritual tools, jewelry, and other sacred items. Not only does her practice involve the physical remains, but she also works with the spirits of the animals themselves. In this book she expands upon the information provided in her earlier book, Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone: A Primal Guide to Animal Magic. Youll find information on how to select animal remains based on not only your needs but those of the spirits themselves; how to work with the animal spirits, including in shapeshifting and other rituals; proper care for the physical remains; and other practices. Plus youll find detailed, illustrated guides on how to make ritual tools ranging from bone-handled knives to fur pouches, skull rattles to dancing skins; and much more! Based on Lupas decade-and-change of intensive experience, this is an absolutely indispensable guide to the spiritual and magical use of animal parts in neopagan, occult, and other traditions. Whether you only have a single feather to work with, or an entire ritual room full of spirits embodied in hides and bones, theres plenty of material in this non-dogmatic text for you to integrate into your own practice as you see fit
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