EPUB Shakespeares Pub: A Barstool History of London as Seen Through the Windows of Its Oldest Pub - The George Inn by Pete Brown shop text get read author

EPUB Shakespeares Pub: A Barstool History of London as Seen Through the Windows of Its Oldest Pub - The George Inn by Pete Brown shop text get read author

EPUB Shakespeares Pub: A Barstool History of London as Seen Through the Windows of Its Oldest Pub - The George Inn by Pete Brown

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Book description
A history of Britain told through the story of one very special pub, from The Beer Drinkers Bill Bryson (Times Literary Supplement)Welcome to the George Inn near London Bridge; a cosy, wood-paneled, galleried coaching house a few minutes walk from the Thames. Grab yourself a pint, listen to the chatter of the locals and lean back, resting your head against the wall. And then consider this: who else has rested their head against that wall, over the last six hundred years?Chaucer and his fellow pilgrims almost certainly drank in the George on their way out of London to Canterbury. Its fair to say that Shakespeare popped in from the nearby Globe for a pint, and we know that Dickens certainly did. Mail carriers changed their horses here, before heading to all four corners of Britain—while sailors drank here before visiting all four corners of the world.The pub, as Pete Brown points out, is the primordial cell of British life and in the George he has found the perfect example. All life is here, from murderers, highwaymen, and ladies of the night to gossiping peddlers and hard-working clerks. So sit back with Shakespeares Pub and watch as buildings rise and fall over the centuries, and the beer drinkers Bill Bryson (UKs Times Literary Supplement) takes us on an entertaining tour through six centuries of history, through the stories of everyone that ever drank in one pub.
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