EPUB Sensible Housekeeper, Scandalously Pregnant by Jennie Lucas pc read value kickass francais

EPUB Sensible Housekeeper, Scandalously Pregnant by Jennie Lucas pc read value kickass francais

EPUB Sensible Housekeeper, Scandalously Pregnant by Jennie Lucas pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
THE HOUSEKEEPERWhat right did Argentinean billionaire Rafael Cruz have to demand her in his bed? Housekeeper Louisa Grey had managed his homes impeccably. Shed catered to his every appetite--except...THE BOSSOh, no, his virgin housekeeper did not flirt...but their simmering attraction had Rafael so close to losing control. And if there was one thing he was good at--besides seduction--it was taking charge!THE BABY?But now theyd never be able to go back to being just boss and employee....
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