EPUB Releasing Me by Jewel E. Ann epub online reading

EPUB Releasing Me by Jewel E. Ann epub online reading

EPUB Releasing Me by Jewel E. Ann epub online reading

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Book description
A tragic accident. A hidden past. An unbreakable love. Never goodbye …I thought Addy stole my soul. Her beauty blinded me. Her heart called to me. Her touch healed me. She gave everything and asked for nothing. Then I broke her. The depths of her pain were veiled by the reflection of my own. I didn’t deserve her, but I wanted her––I needed her. In my darkest hell, I heard her voice. That’s when I knew …Addy was my soul. Deep breath … I am peaceful, I am strong. Quinn was worth the risk.He took away the numbness and gave me unfathomable pleasure. Every emotion felt magnified, every moment felt like the last.My heart found purpose.My body came to life.My soul returned. His weakness gave me strength, and his past held my future. He saved me by … releasing me.*This book contains adult situations and explicit content 17+
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