EPUB Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture by Johann Joachim Winckelmann selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

EPUB Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture by Johann Joachim Winckelmann selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

EPUB Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture by Johann Joachim Winckelmann selling online without

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This book was a bday gift and I finished it rather quickly. I especially love the part Noble simplicity and Quiet Grandeur. I find it interesting that Michelangelo actually made his model of wax and put it in a vessel filled with water in order to be very precise on measurements and such. Id love to read the original piece but I dont know any German lol. The expression of such nobility of soul goes far beyond the depiction of beautiful nature. The artist had to feel the strength of this spirit in himself and then impart it to his marble. [...] The more tranquil the state of the body the more capable it is of portraying the true character of the soul. In all positions too removed from this tranquility, the soul is not in its most essential condition, but in one that is agitated and forced. In Greek figures, however, there is, in such a case, a gentle curvature of rippling folds coming one from the other in such a way that they appear as a whole and make but one noble impression. These masterpieces never display a skin tensely stretched, but rather, gently drawn over flesh which fills it firmly but without turgid protrusions, harmoniously following the directions of any flexions of the body. The skin never forms, as in modern bodies, individual small wrinkles distinct from the flesh beneath them.
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