EPUB Redbird Fires by Madeleine Ribbon (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

EPUB Redbird Fires by Madeleine Ribbon (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

EPUB Redbird Fires by Madeleine Ribbon (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

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Book description
Michael, immortal phoenix and café owner, is getting ready to for his rebirth. Burning to death hurts like hell and he wants a little moral support. Hes hoping to enlist the help of his new boyfriend, but the relationship isnt turning out the way Michael thought it would.Michaels best customer and weekly coffee-and-gossip date, Avery, takes it upon herself to make sure Michael knows hes getting played. She also plans to hook up the handsome café owner with her brother, a grouchy botany professor at the local college. When Michaels boyfriend turns out to be a cheating asshole, Avery does everything in her power to push Michael and her brother together.Her plan has unexpectedly explosive results.
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