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Book description
In 1910 a handful of rabbit growers had a vision to develop a national rabbit association. Hard work and dedication throughout the twentieth century has seen their vision become a reality, and the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA) has grown and developed into a strong national and international organization, unique and diverse, serving as a leading authority on rabbits and cavies. The objectives of the ARBA are to unify, foster, promote, improve, further, and enhance all phases of the domestic rabbit and cavy hobby and industry.During the ninety years of existence, hundreds of thousands of people of all ages have benefited from the information and resources provided by joining and being a member of the ARBA. Growing rabbits and cavies as a hobby, as pets, for show competition, and commercially has become an increasingly popular endeavor for people residing in rural and urban areas. The demand for information about rabbits and cavies continues to increase.This revised edition of the Official Cuidc to Raising Better Rabbits and Cavies is dedicated to all the members that have helped build this association. Provided in this edition is up to date information on a variety of topics such as caring, managing, breeding, and showing to help ensure the enjoyment and success of our members. Read, learn, enjoy!
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