EPUB Provocative Attraction by AlTonya Washington (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

EPUB Provocative Attraction by AlTonya Washington (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

EPUB Provocative Attraction by AlTonya Washington (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

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Book description
AlTonya Washington has been a romance novelist for 12 years. Shes the winner of two Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers Choice Awards and recently won the Romance Slam Jam EMMA Award for Best Steamy Romance of 2014. She lives in North Carolina and works as a College Reference Librarian.She began her writing career with BETs Arabesque imprint and now writes traditionally for Harlequins Kimani Romance line. Under the pen name T. Onyx she crafts erotica and plans to release a new title in the genre next year. In 2016 AlTonya concludes her popular Ramsey/Tesano Series with the release of A Lovers Return.When shes not writing, she can be found with a good book, a good movie, or a good movie based on a good book! AlTonya wears many hats, but being a mom is her favorite job.
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