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EPUB Proof, Volume 1: Goatsucker by Alex Grecian (Goodreads Author) tablet spanish without registering free txt

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I saw an ad for Proof in the back of another Image title and found myself vaguely intrigued. I flipped back a page and saw an image of a sasquatch wearing a suit on the cover of the current issue and immediately went down to my local comic shop and ordered the first trade.Simply put, Proof rules. It tugs away at a few nostalgic elements for me--first, in its obvious reference to the X-Files, an old favorite of mine when I was a kid (and yes, I wore an X-Files baseball cap when in high school, and yes, I got made fun of for it,) and second, it took me even further back to elementary school, where I read and re-read every book my school library had on cryptozoology and monsters (most of which were written by a guy named Daniel Cohen, whose hand I would like to shake, especially since it turns out he is (or at least was) a true skeptic and a card-carrying member of CSICOP.) I couldnt get enough of the likes of Nessie, Champie, Bigfoot, Mothman, Spring-Heeled Jack and even the Dover Demon. As an overly-imaginative only child some of those guys became playmates for me, and I would occasionally swear I saw evidence for them in the half-acre of woods behind my friend Billys house across the street.While Im old enough now to know better, Im still caught in the grip of a child-like fascination with monsters. Proof delivers on this in all counts. John Proof Prufrock, a sasquatch special agent, is a great, Hellboy-esque character: an outsider who, underneath it all, is still just a guy, a fella just trying to figure out where he came from and what he should do with that knowledge. His interactions with Ginger Brown, his new partner, are amusing and written well-enough to avoid the worst of the whole new partner cliche, and the supporting cast are rich, interesting and incredibly entertaining in their own right. The very well-placed cryptoids, little nuggets of information ranging from the irrelevant to story-altering, and quite amusing and keep things moving along nicely. And the art--wow. A friend described Riley Rossmos work as a mix between Paul Pope and Guy Davis and that makes a lot of sense, but his style is really all his own, especially his use of colors and washes.Oh, and the Dover Demon is a regular character.To sum it up, the first trade made me run out and pick up the next few single issues, and Im definitely adding this one to my pulls list. Great stuff!
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