EPUB Power of the Jedi Sourcebook: A Star Wars Accessory by J.D. Wiker online doc portable kindle wiki

EPUB Power of the Jedi Sourcebook: A Star Wars Accessory by J.D. Wiker online doc portable kindle wiki

EPUB Power of the Jedi Sourcebook: A Star Wars Accessory by J.D. Wiker online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description

Book description
You must learn the ways of the force... Through training and meditation, you hone your skills as a warrior and mediator. Armed with a lightsaber and the power of the Force, you stand against the darkness of the Sith and the tyranny of the Yuuzhan Vong. Only with the Force as your ally can you overcome the temptations of the dark side and bring peace and justice to the galaxy. This sourcebook features: - New Jedi skills, feats, equipment, vehicles, and starships- Advice on playing and Gamemastering Jedi heroes- The history of the Jedi and the Jedi Code- New prestige classes, including the Force warrior and Jedi healer- Force-using creatures, aliens, and character archetypes- Discussions of Jedi traditions throughout the various eras, including game statistics for dozens of characters To use this sourcebook, you also need the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook.
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